BOOK REVIEW „Educaţie şi frontiere sociale. Franţa, România, Brazilia, Suedia.” coord. Mihai Dinu Gheorghiu and Monique de Saint Martin, in collaboration with Benedicte de Montvalon
RRSS 2012 No.2 - Romanian Review of Social Sciences
• Felicia Bucur -
The original French title of this book is “Education et frontieres sociales. Un grand bricolage.”, different from theRomanian title, either one inviting the readership to create its own specific expectations. As the Romanian title points out, the main purpose of this book is to analyse the relation between education and social boundaries, and the Romanian reader’s expectations are that the enquiries carried out in France, Romania, Brazil and Sweden will probably help the researchers-authors to validate their hypotheses, by offering support for their theories. Moreover, according to the title, the readership might expect that the amount of research undertaken in the already mentioned four countries will be well-balanced and that a general perspective on the topic will be provided in order to get a useful insight.