The editors welcome for review original papers on any aspect of the broad field of social sciences.The main criteria for acceptance is for the papers to make a contribution to the knowledge, understanding and/or practice in their specific field.
Originality and copyright
- Originality of manuscripts. Only original and previously unpublished manuscripts will be accepted for publication. Upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be required to sign a warranty that your manuscript is original and has not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere.
- Acquiring permission for copyrighted images. It is your responsibility to obtain written permission to include any copyrighted images (whether they are screenshots, figures, tables, graphics, etc.) in your manuscript. After you obtain permission, you are then responsible to indicate in the caption of the image the original source of the image and that it is being used in your manuscript with permission. Please note that, should you create an image that is loosely based on another copyrighted image, you must indicate in the image caption that your image is adapted from another copyrighted image and then provide the original source.
- Trademark use. All trademark use within your manuscript must be credited to its owner, or written permission to use the name must be granted.
Types of submissions
- Articles should be between 4000 and 6500 words, including the abstract, figures, tables and citations. They may include one of the following: empirical research, conceptual models, theory building, innovative methodologies and applications, case studies.All articles undergo rigorous peer review, with initial editor screening followed by blind-reviewing, normally by two referees.
- Opinion pieces should be between 1000 and 1500 words, providing an open space and awarness for critical issues around the world. Responses to opinion pieces are encouraged. Opinion pieces are reviewed by members of the Editorial Team.
- Book reviews should be between 1500 and 2000 words, exploring the implications of the book to the research/practice field, from the reviewer's perspective. Book reviews are reviewed by members of the Editorial Team.
Manuscripts should be emailed to the Editor at, as a file attachment in Microsoft® Word. The main body of the e-mail message should contain the title of the paper and the names and addresses of all authors. Manuscripts must be in English. Please note that neither your name nor the name of your co-authors should be included anywhere in the manuscript, except on the cover page. Manuscripts must also be accompanied by:
- An Abstract. Your abstract should be between 100-150 words, precisely summarizing the mission and objective of the manuscript.
- Keywords. From 5 to 10 relevant keywords.
Writing style
- Papers should be written in an accessible style, suitable for an international audience of academics, graduate students, policy makers and practitioners.
Properly formatting in-text citations
When citing a source in your text, you will need to state the authors’ surnames along with the year of publication. Please note the following:
If you have several references cited within the same parenthesis, the citations should be listed in alphabetical order. You’ll note that 1) each citation is separated by a semicolon, and 2) ampersands (&) are used instead of the word “and.”
- Example: In most organizations, data resources are considered to be a major resource (Brown, 2002; Krall & Johnson, 2005; Smith, 2001).
- If an author’s name is mentioned directly within the text of your manuscriptas part of a sentence, please note that only the year is placed within parenthesis.
- Example: Brown (2002) states that the value of data is recognized by most organizations.
If you directly quote another individual’s work, you must also provide the page of the source from which the quote was taken.
- Example: “In most organizations, data resources are considered to be a major organization asset” (Smith, 2001, pp. 35-36) and must be carefully monitored by the senior management.
- Example: Brown (2002) states that “the value of data is realized by most organizations” (p. 45).
- If a direct quote that you wish to include in your manuscriptis more than 40 words long, please be sure to format your quote as a block quote (a block quote uses no quotation marks, and its margins are indented from the left; also, you’ll notice that the period at the end of the sentence comes before the parenthetical in-text citation):
- Example: As an ever-growing number of people around the world have gained access to e-mail and Internet facilities, it has become clear that the communicative environment provided by these tools can foster language learning. E-mail facilitates access to speakers of one's target language. (Vinagre & Lera, 2007, p. 35)
- Book with one author:
- Book with two authors:
- Book with more than two authors:
- Journal article:
- A publication in press:
- Edited book:
- Chapter in an edited book:
- Report from a university:
- Published proceedings:
- Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis:
- A presented paper:
- Web site:
Copy editing
The editor reserves the right to copy edit submissions to fit journal style and approach.