RRSS 2016 No. 11 - Romanian Review of Social Sciences
• Andreea Mihaela STROE -
Keywords: consumption, consumer behaviour, regret, decision, utility
\r\n Consumers are described by economists as rational people when making a decision and when interacting with different types of framing problems. Theories explaining rational "consumer's rational behaviour", assume that emotions can be controlled and even ignored so people be able to behave in a rational manner. An important issue was to establish the rational economic report between resources and needs and finding ways to optimize it. Rational consumer behaviour is considered to be one that ensures maximum consumer satisfaction with maximum efficiency at minimum cost. Each user asks himself at one point, if happiness is found in material goods and services. Economists would like that the consumers believe that in their attempt to explain buying behaviour. However, it is a matter of debate if psychological records tend to state otherwise. It is suggested that people buy goods and services hoping that they will substitute the factors that make them truly happy. It is debatable whether consumption is detrimental to human happiness and if the link between consumption and happiness extends to all buying experiences.